Game engine SDK development for service providers

So what makes a difference between a mediocre SDK product and a great one in Unity, Unreal Engine, Cocos, or any other game engine? While it might seem like building an SDK is just creating a wrapper around native libraries, it's not only that.
Let's go over a few things that make a great SDK:
- Integration with native engine UI — in every engine many things can make your SDK more intuitive and developer-friendly, e.g. building tutorials with native engine UI that can guide users through the setup.
- API design
- A demo! Providing a demo with usage examples along with the SDK helps the user to understand how it works and allows them to speed up their integration by reusing your demo code and UI.
- Extensive and user-friendly documentation — having good well-documented SDK is crucial, you can save dozens of developer hours by writing clear and unambiguous docs.
- API reference documentation — usually reference docs are generated from the code and help developers navigate and get an overview of the codebase.
- Support — it's not the end after the SDK has been published. Game engines evolve quickly, so you must make sure that the product works properly in each engine release.
When building the SDK we make sure to pay close attention to each of these points. In the end, you get the product that is easy to extend and maintain, and your clients get the SDK that is clean, intuitive, and easy to use.
If you have any questions or feel like partnering up with us to create your next plugin or SDK reach us out at info at [email protected]
Finally, let's explore our most prominent use cases of the SDKs we've built for some of our clients.