Latest Projects
Unreal Engine Marketplace plugins we've built

iOS Goodies
A plugin exposing to blueprints all the iOS native features you can only imagine.

Android Goodies
A plugin exposing to blueprints all the Android native features you can only imagine.

Firebase Goodies
A plugin exposing to blueprints all the Firebase features. Works on iOS/Android/Windows/Mac.

AdMob Goodies
A plugin exposing Google AdMob APIs to handle the ad monetization in your game.

Google Maps View
A plugin that allows to embed a Google map view into your Unreal Engine game.

Google Play Games
A plugin to add various Google Play Games Services into your game, like achievements, leaderboards and cloud saves.

Game Center Goodies
A plugin exposing iOS Game Center features like leaderboards and achievements.

Facebook Goodies
A plugin enabling developers to use Facebook native mobile login, analytics and sharing.

Monetization Goodies
A plugin allowing to add in-app purchases and subscriptions into Unreal Engine games.

Deeplinking Goodies
A plugin enabling deeplinking functionality for Android and iOS Unreal Engine games.
Unity Asset Store plugins we've built

Google Maps View
A plugin that allows to embed a Google map view into your Unity game.

iOS Goodies
A plugin exposing to C# all the iOS native features you can only imagine.

Mobile Places Autocomplete
A plugin allowing to use native place picker on Android and iOS.

Android Goodies
A plugin exposing to C# all the Android native features you can only imagine.